Target Focused Dads and Husbands – On Paper

-Quick update here, I thought I had posted this back in October. I just found this post, that should have been the second post in this series sitting in my drafts. I’ve been behind on getting some things together for this series and even though this was supposed to be out before, this feels right 2 months in here in 2024. How are things going with your resolutions? How are things with your changes for 2024? Do you have any idea where you are going this year? Let’s take some time to reflect on how this year is going so far, and make sure we are still grouped, consistent, and On Paper.

If you’ve ever been around someone sighting in a rifle or maybe you’ve been the one doing it, one of your first hopes is just to hit something that you can see. You just want to get on paper. From there you can make corrections, but you just need to know that you are actually making it somewhere. Sometimes that is how we go through life. We might think we are going the right way, but we aren’t even coming close to hitting the what we think we are aiming at.

To figure things out, sometimes it takes moving the paper closer and making other changes. Another way to think about getting on paper is to truly get things down on paper. I’m sure that at some point you’ve heard that the only way to achieve goals is to write them down. The other thing to think about is taking time not only to write your goals but to write down a personal inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Take the time, to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses and the things that you struggle with. Once we are honest with ourselves and acknowledge our problems, we can start to deal with them.

18And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. 19I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.

Romans 7:18-19

Getting on paper in this series is, spending time getting into the Bible, get into God’s papers. For many of us, sitting down and taking 5, 10, 15 minutes to read the Bible is a challenge. We will spend hours watching videos, reading reviews on cars, trucks, guns, bows, etc., but when it’s the Bible, we struggle. God has given us the instructions, as much as we hate to read instructions, we need to take the time to find the things that God has laid our for us. At our church of the last few weeks, we have been talking about David moving the Ark of the Covenant back into Jerusalem. When he first started moving it, he did what he thought he should do, put it on a cart, and move it with his power as the mighty ruler that he was. This resulted in one of the people in the group dying when he accidentally touched the Ark. David decided to stop moving the Ark and placed it in someone’s house. When he went back to move it again, David consulted the law and history. God had already told his people, how to properly move the Ark, it should be carried by the poles inserted on each side. (2 Samuel 6:1-7, 12-15 and Exodus 25:10-15)

A good next step for many of us is to find a reading plan, a small 3 day or 5 day devotional using the Bible App on your phone, or look for a Bible in a Year/New Testament in a year Bible. The studies from UNCOMMEN, have been good thought provoking short sessions. These are only 5-6 day commitments at a time. If you miss a few days, you can catch up, or just pick it back up. Taking small steps and making small changes will build the habits that lead to a change in how you handle all things in your life.

Take time over the next few weeks, find a study to do, and do it. Make time for God, make time for your family, make time for your wife. Move things out of the way and get yourself on paper. Get to where you have some idea of you stand, where you are aiming, where you are going. From there you can start making the corrections and building the habits that I’ll talk about next time, when we talk about groupings and consistency.


Target Focused Dads and Husbands – Groupings and Consistency

At least they are on the paper…

After knowing where your shots are landing, only then you can work on your consistency, your groupings. Groupings are what many of us are simply going for when we go to the range. Are you getting a jagged hole, a clover, are they all in the A zone, did they all hit the plate? What kind of grouping are you going for? If you are just trying to hit the paper, then maybe you aren’t ready to be focused on grouping your shots and improving your consistency. Once you are focused on the idea of “aim small miss small” and you are focused on taking your time and repeating the same actions over and over, then you are building a discipline and habit. The tighter the group, the more consistent you are, the more focused you are, the easier it will be to move on to the next steps of being on the right target and being centered on that target.

What are you aiming for?

As we go through our lives, we develop habits whether we want to or not. Some of these are good habits, some are not so good. These grouped actions, shape our lives, our friendships, our relationships, our marriages, and our families. If you are not consistent, your relationships are going to suffer. If your word, your work, and your actions are all over the place, it will be hard for people to trust you. The people affected are your co-workers, your spouse, your kids, your family, nothing is going to affect just you. Sometimes it might be your actions that affect someone else in a way that you did not expect. If you look at the story of David bringing the ark back in to the city that I referenced in the last post,(2 Samuel 6:1-7, 12-15 and Exodus 25:10-15) David’s actions and desire to move the ark back was good, but he was not doing it the way it should be done. Yes, they were able to start moving it, yes, they got it closer to the city faster with the cart, but God didn’t want it moved that way. God had given specific instructions on how the Ark should be built, moved, who should move it, ages before David ever needed to move it back.

As we take the time to figure out where our shots are landing and how consistent our shots are, we can move that consistency on to the proper target, to the proper place on the target.

Shifting our focus, shifting our priorities, allows us to get into proper alignment. Once we have started to shift our groupings, shift focus, and start to make improvements we will make our lives and the lives of those we love better, eventually. It’s not going to be easy, there are going to be things that continue to fight for our attention, life is going to happen, things aren’t going to go right every day. The true test of our consistency comes from these chances to prove our faith and our training. When issues arise, our training or lack of training will be evident. When we have been consistent in growing in our faith, in growing our relationship with God, and with our family and our support groups, we will be able to go through tough times and come out on the other side. I’m not going to say that you will come out unaffected, but you very well could come out of the fire not smelling like smoke. The more consistent you become, and as you start to move to a better place, you start to focus on the target, you will have to be prepared for attacks from the enemy. These attacks may not be extremely obvious, it could be just that you get to a point where you have more and more on your plate and small things that need pieces of your time. Keeping your priorities in line, and keeping up your consistency, is the only way to win these battles.

Pray in the fire.

“…be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.”

1 Peter 4:7b

So with that, I challenge you to work on your habits over the next few weeks. Work to be more consistent in your prayer life, in your time spent with God, and be intentional in the time you spend with your family. Be intentional watching for those things or those people that pull you away from being consistent, and move them out of your way.

Next post we will talk about being on target, not just on paper and grouped, but what it means to really be grouped near the center of the target.

Reset, Reflect, Refocus

Welcome to 2017.  I know I’m a few days late, and it’s been a while since I’ve posted.  I’m looking forward to this year being a year of amazing things.  2016 was a 2016 of a year, but like all the years that came before it, it had its ups and downs.  It’s all in how you want to look at the year you just left and the year you are going into.  We are 9 days in as of today, and if you are reading this, guess what, you are alive and have the internet.

I challenge all of you reading this to change YOU this year.  You are the only thing that YOU can control.  I titled this post: Reset, Reflect, Refocus for this main reason, we are 9 days into the year, and many of us have already forgotten the resolutions that we made, or didn’t make, or life has been life already these 9 days in.  So my challenge to you is to wake up everyday and reset your mind again.  Wake up with the attitude that today is gonna be a good day.

Reflect every night and everyday about what God did for you during that day and the day before.  Can’t think of anything?  Are you somewhere warm and dry?  Did you eat?  Did you find a parking spot at the mall?  Look back not only on the previous day, but on your previous days, months, years.  Look back at your history book with God.  The last time your electric was about to be shut off but wasn’t, the last time your car was running on fumes and you coasted into the gas station, the last time you were in the drive through and the person in front of you paid for your meal.  When was the last time you did something for someone else?  God, provides for us, not because we give to those we don’t know, not because we deserve it, not because of our actions, not because we are or aren’t “good” enough.  God provides for us, because he loves us.

As we start out this year refocusing on what is actually important, we can make the best out of our lives and situations.  Refocus your life, and check your priorities.  Make sure that you know why you are doing what you are doing, and that you haven’t just become a cold machine, that goes through the motions of life.  Look back on what you have been through, and figure out what you are going to let God do to improve the life’s of those that love you, and those that don’t even know you yet, through you.

Sometimes life is about taking the sourest lemons life has to offer and making something resembling lemonade…